Project: ProgrammerError

ProgrammerError (PE) is a desktop application which helps CS2100 tutors manage their students’ lab results in a simple and efficient manner, allowing them to spend less time on administrative processes and more time teaching students.

Given below are my contributions to the project. My contribution to the project code base is also shown in the RepoSense link.

New Features

  1. Added to ability to show a student’s lab results on the side panel
    • What it does: Allow CS2100 TAs to check a student’s lab record on the side panel.
    • Justification: This feature provides a convenient way for CS2100 TAs to view a student’s lab record on ProgrammerError’s UI.
    • Highlights:
      • Developing the ability to use javaFX to design UI by creating a side panel on the MainWindow.
      • Immediate update of student’s information and lab results after every command, which requires a modification to all existing commands to keep track of the selected student and his/her lab results.
    • Credits: JavaFX8Docs for guidelines on how to use different containers.
  2. Added colour-coded tags to each student in ProgrammerError
    • What it does: Green tags represent the marked labs while red ones represent the unmarked labs
    • Justification: This feature allows CS2100 TAs to have a bird view of the marking status of the labs, without a need to show student by student.
    • Highlights: Immediate update of tags’ color after every command requires a record of the status of the labs similar to the show feature.
    • Credits:

Other Contributions

Enhancements to existing features:

  • Improve the help feature by adding a table of command syntax to the HelpWindow.
  • Add a button bar with buttons for exit, help, download, upload and dashboard features. Enabled keyboard shortcut to be more keyboard-friendly.
  • Add/Modify test cases for various commands: #69, #530, #572.
  • Bug fixes: #238, #280, #351, #357, #374, #381, #429, #430.

Project management:

  • Utilize the issue tracker for bug reports and new feature proposals.


  • User Guide:
    • Added documentation for the features delete and show: #34, #279.
    • Added section on editing the data file directly: #589.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added use cases for ProgrammerError: #46.
    • Added implementation details of the show feature: #159.
    • Updated the UML diagrams for ProgrammerError: #158 , #393.
    • Added instruction for manual testing for show: #541


  • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #194.
  • Contributed to forum discussions: #290.
  • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class: #3 , #5 from PE-D.